(Implemented) be different!

Started by Chinchila 2011-06-10 at 16:07
6 replies to this topic
why only 10% for refs like other sites?

put it to 20%!!
« Last Edit: 2011-06-13 at 16:20 by PendingGamer »
Posts: 2341

Hello Chinchila,

We appreciate your concern and suggestion.

Twickerz is of the belief that an increase in standard\'s downline earnings is not appropriate at this time.
Maybe in the future, we can consider this because we aim to make Twickerz.com the best website for earning.

Thank you so much.
All suggestions will be appreciated.

Hello Chinchila,

To add on to what the admin said, the downline earning percentage is a low 10% to keep the site running stable and for the future of the website. In order to keep a legit and paying website running you need to have stable plans, such as, limitations and percentage earning.

The best thing I can suggest is to promote Twickerz.com and gain direct referrals, the more referrals the more you earn and the better and easier it is to be successful and profitable with Twickerz.

Anyways, thank you for your suggestion, we love the feedback.

it could be an differential to attract more users..

15% or 20%, not much spending to attract users, to give to them a reason to get refs, and make them happy on an 0.001 ptc..

My opinion, but thats okay. long life to twickerz

same to advertisements.. why costs 200% more of yours costs?
If 1k links costs $2 for promotion and then after promotion always $2.5 or 2.6 or at least 2.9, it will be a differential from the other sites

so more people should buy packets -> more profit even with cheaper prices, more happy users, more clickers looking for the site
« Last Edit: 2011-06-12 at 14:14 by Chinchila »
Posts: 2341
Quote: Chinchila
why only 10% for refs like other sites?

put it to 20%!!

Hi again,

My team reviewed your suggestions and re-calculate standard\'s downline earnings.
We agree with you. So, we decided to increase the referral earnings not only 20% but 25% .
From now on, All standard members are entitled to 25% downline earnings.

As a token of appreciation for getting our attention,
You are rewarded for a 1 month Free Premium Twickerz membership.

We value all opinions and comments of our members.
Thank you!

Happy twicking!!
See ya!
I\'m very happy with your decision. Ill try to get some refs.

And very happy with my free upgrade. Thank you!

wish success for you and twickerz.
« Last Edit: 2011-06-13 at 15:02 by Chinchila »
Congratulations on the upgrade and downline percentage increase.

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